Methods of Research
Report 1:
How Secure is your Network?
Information Technology is rapidly expanding. An example is the improvement of networks. Larger networks are being build day by day. There are also various ways to access a network today. These developments also amplifies the risk of unauthorized intrusion to networks. Thus as the network expands the security problems become more prominent.
Network attacks does not only come from outside the network but can also come from within the network itself. Attacks can come from unauthorized persons who are connected to the network or even from authorized persons with ill intentions. That's why there are a number of security strategies which are developed to protect your network. An example of this is the "IronGate". It functions by protecting the entry points of your Ethernet to stop unwanted traffic which can cause irreparable harm. This is a sure way to prevent eves dropping on your network. However this strategy is only effective for unauthorized IP addresses thus the network can still be accessed by unauthorized users using computers with valid MAC addresses.
Therefore security of the network must not just be virtual but also physical. There must be an assurance that only authorized users can use authorized computers.
George Gray, "How Secure is your Network?" 2006
Report 2:
Is there a usability problem in open source software?
Open Source Software became famous recently. However most users would not like to use it because according to many it is hard to use and learn. Most users still want to use commercial proprietary softwares rather than open source softwares. Is it really that hard to use? For us, IT students it might not be that hard however for average users they find it hard to use. This maybe because open source softwares take several years to mature. Meaning constant upgrades will be done thus adding complexity in learning the software. Another is the existence of similar softwares. Most proprietary softwares had already exist for a long time. This may contribute to its memorability.Usability is typically described in terms of five characteristics: ease of learning, efficiency of use,
memorability, error frequency and severity, and subjective satisfaction (Nielsen, 1993). This characteristics can be influenced by how long the software have been in existence.
All software have complexity in learning and using. Its just up to the user to have patience in learning.
David M Nichols and Michael B Twidale, "Usability and Open Source Software" 2002
Report 3:
Privacy and the Internet
Privacy alone is a very complex thing to discuss. How much more when you use that word with the internet. The meaning of the word "privacy" stems from latin "privare" - to separate(Przemyslaw Kordasiewicz, 2000). Internet makes access to information convenient and easy. When your private information is placed on the web it becomes a threat to privacy. The convenience and power of the internet makes is a dangerous place for your private files. It can be processed and transfered to unlimited recipients.
For better web access Cookies were introduced. These are text files which contain information about previous transactions. Cookies becomes a threat because it can be modified to serve as a tracking tool.
This cookies can be used to profile the users or to get information from the user. When used like this cookies became a tool in invading our privacy.
Przemyslaw Kordasiewicz, "Cookies a Threat" 2000
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